Course it’s probably going to be fun too. I will have no responsibilities, and plenty of time to skate on the beach, party with my girls, flirt with outgoing American men, and chill with my family. And I am starting the whole thing off with RollerCon in Vegas.
So….for those wanting to know, here is the schedule of “Courtney’s Two Months Off Work Extravaganza!” (Brought to you by Microsoft™...but made on a Mac™)
August 8th – August 13th
Wednesday - I fly into LA at 1pm on the 8th, run around getting stuff, then fly to Vegas with Dia Blow at 8pm.
Why? RollerCon…that’s why. Drink, drink, schmooze, talk derby, meet rollergirls, drink, sing karaoke, sleep.
Thursday – on skates workshops at the Imperial Palace, meet more rollergirls, drink water only, eat healthy. Meet up with Team World at 7pm in the lobby of IP for meet and greet…then we head to Flamingo Banks for the pick-up scrimmages…then back to IP to make our shirts for the challenge bout.
Friday – on skates workshops…..say hi to all the LA rollergirls who are starting to roll into town. Trade pins, stickers, etc…. Make team lineups for challenge bout. 5pm on Fremont Street – TEAM WORLD vs TEAM USA, with me as Team World captain. Kick ass and wipe the concrete with Team USA….watch the other scrimmages….head back to IP. Roller Derby Coaches meet and greet pizza at the IP. Eat, drink, schmooze, drink, talk derby, drink… Back to the room to get ready for the Black and Blue ball. Party hard at the Black and Blue ball. Maybe hit the OG for late night action. Get obnoxious on the strip in our Ball outfits. Sleep.
Saturday/Sunday – drink, sleep by pool, skate, schmooze, drink, etc…
August 13th – August 24th
Back in Hell-A. Party with Joetta and the girls. Tequila Tuesday debauchery. Bar Marmont, Tiny’s, etc… Skate, skate, skate…on the beach and practice with ACDG. BBQ at my mom’s in Topanga. Visit from my dad. Buy a ton of stuff to bring back to the UK. Get a massage on Main Street. Generally feel rich with my UK pounds. Pine for real pints.
Leave on the morning of the 24th. Francisco is coming back to London with me, so we are flying on the same plane.
August 24th – September 12th
Saturday/Sunday/Monday – recover from jet lag, get coffee at Coffee Plant, intro London to Francisco. Sunday and Monday are the Notting Hill Carnival, which is supposed to be a bit mental. I live in the heart of it, so we have a security guard posted on our door the whole time. Probably going to have a party with our flat as homebase. At least we don’t have to use the port-a-loo.
Next week and a half – hang out with Francisco and show him the sights. Also…big importante…lead up to the first every London Rollergirls Expo Bout!!!
Saturday the 8th – LRG roller derby descends on London full bore. After party at Big Red…drink, drink, dance, drink, get obnoxious, stagger home.
Sunday the 9th – my mom, her boyfriend, and my brother arrive in London.
Monday – Wednesday – play tour guide for like the 5th time this year. Should be fun though, since my brother has never been to Europe!
September 12th – 19th
Take the eurostar to Paris with the family on the 12th…meet up with two aunts, once uncle, one cousin in Paris. See the sights, play tour guide again, attempt to remember my five years of French. Fail miserably, but with a good accent.
Saturday the 15th – take the train to Angouleme and then drive to farmhouse gite in the Dordogne for relaxing fun times in the French countryside.
Wednesday the 19th – Kalon (brother) and I take the train to Amsterdam for relaxing fun times in the canals
September 20th – 24th
So Kalon and I are meeting Popo and Wen (two friends from Hell-A) in Amsterdam. I have no idea what we are going to get up to. Technically I don’t do drugs, and that’s pretty much one of the reasons people go to Amsterdam, right? I might have to do some cultural stuff….I actually wouldn’t mind seeing some Vermeer and the Anne Frank house.
Then we all head over to Munich for the beginning of Oktoberfest. Kalon has some pals who have family there, so we won’t be tourists on our own. And we are on a table at the big beer hall for the opening day of the festival. Now, unlike with the drugs, I do partake of the beer. I think I need to buy a drindl to wear. That’s my style.
And…finally…after all that craziness, we fly back to London where the boys hang for another day or so before taking off. Then I probably collapse or something. Oh, and hopefully go back to work somewhere.
Then I start planning my xmas vacation. Or maybe a weekend in Barcelona with the flat mate gals in November
Oh! Almost forgot.....
September 29th -- Joetta and her mom arrive in London! More debauchery! Garlic and Shots...SoHo...Big Red...Camden! Bring it!!
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